Sunday, November 11, 2012

beats by dre pro then the identity i

F of in front, a without basis, later on a burst of strong energy then from among the ring finger of that absolute being lord project, the strong energy was full of his body a while, gradually, gradually, the knife Nu felt the energy that that slowly flood full whole body is again slowly full of the sword soul that that is originally fading away strength.
"Like this felling?"When the voice of absolute being lord iciness rings out in the knife Nu ear, knife Nu the whole individual suddenly explodes a standing of sort, that flood whole body of the strength get releasing of 1:00, knife Nu the whole individuals all suppress Be getting reder, all of a sudden, that originally settle at oneself the double before the body the blade dead straight fly to him, imitating the Buddha has already felt the host's breathing.
"Break boundary, ruin a life time!You are finally awake!"The knife Nu greatly says with a smile, feel at the same time oneself originally inflate of energy drive double within he or she's hand the blade slowly kept on fading away, momentary, the knife Nu suddenly felt than ever and more the great power was born in own body,is this the strength that can vanquish that boy that he says?
"Your business that I promise has already worked well for you, will see now yours" absolute being lord lightly says, though while seeing that blade, look in the eyes in will have the amazement of one silk, for the strength owned by the knife Nu in nowadays he still keeps disdaining to, though he can come from outside energy with this to beat a more or less equal with performance, but this energy can never harm and arrive absolute being lord, because this is from the night energy sent forth on Wang Shi, is nourishing many absolute being mountains many divine strength, but performance then the identity is special, so would can not resist.
"I know that can you make sure current of can I really kill that person" knife Nu is interrogative that the ground asks a way, though oneself also feels that his/her own energy has been strong a lot of,it can't be denied, on that day that sword of mine to his impression really too deep, that sword of strong, have already exceeded the scope of his imagination, he even can't thought of, a personal can develop to the power of the sword that situation, other knife Nus are right, though the extreme limit of sword is infinite, in fact that, if isn't a fairy the king secretly delivers of energy, and the performance delivers my energy, three kinds of strongest energies blend together, otherwise is to absolutely be not likely to develop so huge power, can only cherish, I not know, knife Nu also not know.

The text chapter 350- to wrong(four)
Renew time:2009-11-214:38:03 chapter word numbers:2813

"Do you feel that I have a necessity to fool you?You can know and fool you and read I come to say to have no some advantage, am I so silly?"The absolute being lord is cold to hum a way, immediately after the left hand Teng rises of the ring finger facing knife Nu the position of the place is made an effort a , the knife Nu hasn't understood is what is the row, then feel own body drive an abnormality uncanny energy to control, own immediately after and in the moment and unexpectedly appeared big slice of big slice of of red.
"This is what, why my body will have a feeling like this!"The knife Nu astonishedly and loudly shouts, but regrettable of BE, the noodles expressionless absolute being lord didn't give him any answer and looking at that big slice of of the red slowly disappear at knife Nu of before the body, the absolute being lord just is satisfied with that the ground will how can it possibly be quantity to take back.
"This is what!!"The knife Nu inception didn't feel what, just a little bit faint, but after seeing that red energy that ties up to round on the oneself's hand, then raise head, the doubt ground asks a way toward the absolute being lord
"Have already used the magic in a hundred years inside your body, although you aren't to be born in the evil boundary,the magic in your body has already made you have half of evil boundary characteristics, you can fist your left hand to try" absolute being lord coldly says, the brilliance colorful saint dress seems to be so icy cold under the eye pupil in black, and that sneer that hangs by the side of the mouth's imitating a Buddha is a devil that doesn't have the facial expression.
"You are what mean,beats by dre pro!"The knife Nu coldly asks a way, though own heart in very of doubt, proceed from curious, still cannot help but fist a left hand slowly.
"Sky!"The knife Nu calls to make a noise cannot help but, that strong and red light that send forth from the left hand center of palm, let the double that he holds in hand blade fiercely of increased a lot of energies, that kind of felling that always has never had, make him be surprised to be getting more foolish, are these energy and characteristic of evil boundary, why can..
"Evil boundary middleman because of birth of relation, so the energy of left hand will gather speed compare any boundary which afraid is the persons of absolute being boundary to all have to be quickly a lot of.So the left hand of evil boundary middleman all generally contains great power, there is certainly also the special, for example before that ten thousand years with create a life time absolute being real strenght to differ not many evil absolute being to dance, his left hand has already outstripped to create the real strenght of a life time absolute being at that time, but he has been stubbornly resisting the whole enemies with the right hand, certainly the real strenght of the his right hand is not what ordinary people can resist either, but regrettable of BE, even if can not also continue for long thousand years in the great power, several thousand years ago, already be used by me create a life time absolute being looses the world staying to print, permanence of seal to print at night Wang Shi top.The fame that hurt not that several thousand years disappeared like this"absolute being lord say the time of this words, very satisfied, the eye pupil in black in have the pride that can not cover up, but that brilliance dazzling saint dress under, as for in fine threads and red energy that can never cover that to after death send forth, just absolute being lord oneself didn't discover.
"That your meaning is to say, current of I, have already completely canned control this blade, and can still develop he the biggest power is" knife Nu very heavily asks a way, but at this time, that original station at oneself the absolute being before the body lord have already disappeared to disappear, only leave of, just that is lightly together red light, the knife Nu hasn't come yet and again reaction, then feel own body a while drive Gao the highland raise and immediately after and suddenly and dead straight and downwards hit to go, that from nearby once rowed repeatedly to break an empty voice, let him faint a while.
"Report general dragon, there is emissary in ten thousand saint towns plea for interview!"The voice of sentinel led Gao all people inside the hall a while, the head of some influences head just wanted to make effort to the sentinel with no rules, but on listenning to is the news that comes from ten thousand saint towns, all unavoidably turn the head sees go to him, because even if they also know, under this situation, ten thousand thus strong real strenght in the saint town absolutely includes a function that can not neglect, this function isn't a whichever influence to act for.
"What circumstance, directly say!"Long Yun flies to loudly say and once turns round and wanted to in earnest listen to clear, the long long designation stick in the hand also stops at huge influence map on.
The sentinel in"ten thousand saint towns didn't promise to send army, but also didn't agree with black the negative regiment takes the offensive our Long Hun's household together, but the neutral status that continues to keep them" loudly says, immediately after and then and just a little raises head and flies to see to Long Yun.
"Hum, ten thousand saint towns will so, I early will anticipate a way and sit mountain view tiger Dou, ten thousand saint towns have yours!"Long Yun flies to coldly make reference to and once turns round later on and prepared to again picked up that hint stick to continue brush stroke of that influence map, but don't think that sentinel to again kneel at ground up, immediately after the hands held up one thing, this lets originally each dispirited and discouraged influence head already the heads, expressed in succession doubt, because hold on that sentinel hand now of, is a ten thousand leader Classes in the saint town just entitle to own of save thing bag, that can explain, that sentinel's holding thing is coming from ten thousand saint town mayor old Class persons.
The sentinel in"these thing that were ten thousand sentinels in the saint town to just deliver, makes me not and necessarily hand over to general dragon" in earnest says and immediately after and then praises the treasure thing in the oneself's hand a little bit higher.
"Is these it ten thousand saint towns that give mine?"Long Yun flies to signal hint that person to take the thing in the hand to come up, that sentinel after ordering nod then walks in quick time to Long Yun fly of in front, the thing in the oneself's hand passed Long Yun flies of in front.
"Is this what things?"Long Hun sitting at Long Yun and flying nearby the household clan Be long to in earnest ask a way, but regrettable of BE, that always at observe a treasure thing of Long Yun fly to have no to answer him, while those sit in the hall Related articles:

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