Monday, November 5, 2012

dr dre beats ets adult to go into

 Chapter 87 is half of two-hour period
The silent short moment of Chen Ping Ping says behind:"The his majesty is a distrustful person, the way used in Fan Jian can not say to isn't intelligent, but the problem lies in his majesty distrustful, so on the contrary will produce deeper doubt for these doubtful points that see too easily ……"
The fee lay to see his one eye and said:"So we want to kill people for Fan Jian and tie knot these doubtful points actually."
"Yes ……" Chen Ping Ping's smile says:"The his majesty is distrustful, so is on the contrary very difficult next make firm decision, so several years pass by, he isn't in those early years either that dared to use the valiant general that 500 people hurtle North Wei cavalry ……kill people certainly gentleman heart, although is very rough, good good at, kill a person can't talk, dead person will tell his majesty, the his majesty is inquisitive."
The fee lay to cough 2 and said:"Although some troubles said, basically I listenned to understand."
Chen Ping Ping smiled:"The his majesty is distrustful and self-confident, so he once Yi what, will from the evidence in the moment discovered, looking for could prove the part that oneself suspected ……so said around, is just that the his majesty cheated his own eyes.Certainly, from some on the other hand come to say, this doesn't cheat on the whole, because this is actually take place of affair."
BE saying, Chen Yuan outside spreads to talk a voice unclearly.Chen Ping Ping and fee lie 2 people to say towards seeing one eye, Chen Ping Ping:"See to the aim idea in the temple arrive, you prepare to leave a city."
The fee lay to order to nod, then asked a way:"Is the Hong bamboo there?"
"Temporarily don't ."Chen Ping Ping knit the brows to think in a short while and pushed wheel chair to park before go to go, say:"I always feel this small eunuch remarkable."
Is far in Chiang-Nan, from think Fan Jian who looks on coldly everything in Kyoto, really don't know, he covers up the deepest the nail in the imperial palace.Meantime inside became to celebrate two somebodies of the most severe country to want to kill a ground of object, this proved, he isn't absolute being, accurately say, this expended his most energies and concealed most deeply to plan and still had is many completely is calculating outside of danger, if be not while embroidering to own enough good luck, waiting Fan Jian to return to city next time, only afraid does the Hong can not find that any news with pimple small eunuches all over the face any further in the world here.
Don't know a temple of the gods the inside will can't have absolute being.But this in this world affirmation no one is absolute being, even if is state to most approach divine north together the country teacher bitterness lotus.Even if is power and influence and mood have already been good enough to let the absolute being all envy of celebrate country emperor ……in fact return just ordinary mortal.
So that always seems to be some deeply can not measure ground to celebrate country emperor,beats by dre australia, sit at this time at too very under the long gallery of palace.Looking at in front ground one big slice of temple ping, the taste seems to is some to fall Mo and disappointment and be like a middle age man of commonness.
In the emperor ground nearby, is that wheel chair in black, Chen Ping Ping's half lowers the head and lightly caresses the wool blanket on the knee, silent not language.
2 people of king and his ministers are silent.At quiet looking at the temple ping of in front.It is still a spring beginning at this time.Didn't shed leaves, there is no fallen petal.Temple inside drive eunuch maid-in-waiting miscellaneous services sweep cleanly, the Xian dust doesn't dye, those soils in the blind side of the slab of stone all even Fu write.Draw into the lines of a way civility.
The night has been the deepest at this time, but too very palace hinterland***still shine in glory the temple ping a ground of clear.
"I am getting wronger."The emperor didn't call°as I mysel today, he sighed an one breath and said:"I always think that three Northern Expeditions, the west advertises for south to beg for, this in this world already didn't what can let the affair that I accept to can not stand, so I can looking at all these ground to take place by dispassion ground, but when the affair truely takes place, I discover, originally I still keep overestimating my own acceptance dint."
Chen Ping Ping saw his one eye and in a soft voice said:"This is the family affairs ……the ancients once said, the honest official was difficult to break household chores, the his majesty is no exception."
At this moment, Chen Ping Ping has already known actually take place in the temple what, but this is old to break son to have no to express intentionally how is the earthquake is surprised and frightened, the attitude is very quiet, and being like this affair isn't what important event.This attitude lets emperor of in good humor some, to, just a see not get light of the family affairs is just.
The emperor will claim to be to change back, the smile says:"Is former you have been saying, you don't think three to match me of family affairs in, but finally still kept coming in afterwards, how, does this affair want to substitute me to handle for a while?"
Chen Ping Ping is low much lower the head some, say:"The his majesty is early wonderful to break, slave needs to shine on to account behaviour just."
The emperor is for a long time silent, slowly say:"Few months ago, I woulded be to once say with you at this, I prepared to accompany them to play well ……however she was after all the younger sister whom I love deeply most , those small Zai sons were after all me of son, so having been saving three cents cant not bear to, however arrived at present, even if cant not bear to, also want."
Chen Ping Ping slowly lifts up head, the facial expression is constant, heart deep place but is to gradually fill the air uncanny emotion, he for letting the emperor his majesty make a firm decision, have already done so many matters, wait so long, finally wait until emperor openings of that is for an instant.
"You are outside the temple, I am in the temple."
Celebrate country emperor slowly shut last eyes-
That night, 13 city gate departments in Kyoto receive a hand in temple to make and inspect a hospital to approve an intelligence report book, Kyoto's opening time of city gate is postponed half of two-hour period.The dawn Xi is tiny, prepare country the people load going into the city melons and fruits vegetable and meat, line up outside the city gate long dragon, full face of disconsolate with don't understand.
There is seldom the precedent to postpone to open city gate in Kyoto, but requite according to the government troops of front, yesterday at the mid-night, had east spy intention of the Yi city sneaked in to inspect a hospital, so at this time inside Kyoto just at big four sea catch, for keeping spy break out of from city to go, 13 city gates take charge of high security.
The common people were immediately calm down, no one had complaint again and just scold those in the low voice recklessly and blindly do of eastern Yi city spy.
But in Kyoto, is stayed in in person by Chen Ping Ping of inspect a hospital, as early as the cent have been already acted in dawn.Director's adult are always foolish for these several years at Chen Yuan, inspect a hospital directly in command of from Fan Jian, but at present once he is willing inspect the power of hospital to take to return, inspect the behaviour speed in the hospital with hidden, immediately replied a situation of unprecedented terror, at not arrive a hour of time inside, inspecting the hospital has already secretly controled four official residences.
Fielding teacher in Kyoto didn't receive any news, the government troopses keeping night watching dumbstruckly looking at those be dressed in a black officer to take of inspect officials in the hospital to busily run about, quickly and upward the Feng reports a report, don't know what important event Kyoto appeared.
Garrison overing of emperor's city thousand forbid a soldier to also have no action.Just in quiet guard imperial palace ground front door.
Just was celebrated country emperor lift pull out of fielding in Kyoto generally get, is followed behind a big emperor the year before last year son the west advertised for of a great commander, hear subordinate of reported a report, he confused was dressed in clothes and then hurtled to outside in the temple, however ……but saw equanimity excrescent, there is no the slightest excrescent temple city.
Sleep the eye Xing loosens of grandfather Hou's taking the station of a group of bodyguards is after death forbiding a soldier, apathetically refuse that this gets adult to go into the claim that the temple reports generally.
Have no excessive long, still just also ride a horse and go to with big emperor's son going to bed in prince mansion, however connect he was also been calm by grandfather Hou but firmly refused into the claim of temple.
Big emperor the son get generally with that fielding to see one eye.All saw each other not feel at ease with vigilance.At this time the color of the sky don't clearly, on Gao Gao's head in the sky but had dark cloud to float to come over.Cover with Kyoto the ground is blacker some, those spies that inspect a hospital and the officials all acted.But these 2 aren't responsible for a fielding ground somebody of Kyoto,did know to take place what.
Fielding in Kyoto got to gingerly see big emperor's son one eye generally and said:"Be the commander in chief not is going to inspect a hospital to ask?"
The west is advertising for a soldier, this getting generally is being partial to of big emperor's son will, so still keep habitually fitting together by commander in chief.Big emperor's son one Leng displeasedly clapped to clap a forehead after and inspected a hospital today Qing nest but.Affirmation delivered an aim idea in temple.And lord matter ground affirmation is director Chen, the another person not worthy noodles asks director Chen.Is oneself afraid of?
After, a short moment's these 2 get close soldier the city gate turn from the emperor into inspect a hospital, hospitalize of.Don't be subjected to any obstruct, then saw the old lame person of that shallow pool side in the park.
"Director, what matter?"Big emperor's son hopes Chen Ping Ping to directly ask a way.
Chen Ping Ping didn't lift up head and said:"Nothing important, the east Yi city had a superior to sneak in a hospital and stole to go to many precious intelligence report at the mid-night yesterday, I all through the night went into a city and entered a temple to invite finger, by this time was searching in the full city."
Big emperor's son is wrinkly to knit the brows, the heart knows the belly is clear these are a false words, what kind of spy go into city, will disturb Chen Ping Ping?Also let the city gates of imperial palace all close?
Fielding in Kyoto gets generally polite instruct a way:"Old director has to need fielding match in Kyoto?"
"Xie Su ……" Chen Ping Ping saw this fielding get one eye generally and sighed a way:"You just took a post soon, you musted hurriedly grasp fielding in Kyoto just good on the hand, at present of do you just get empty this position, but can not even make the soldiers of under charge, how match with?"
Xie Su gets one Zheng generally and delivers a bitterness in mouth and knows that director Chen says that the ground is the truth, fielding in Kyoto was first controled for 20 years by leaf's house, afterwards again is Qin Jia Er childeses is dealing with, this leaf, Qin Er Jia, didn't know in the fielding of Kyo to fill how much confidant, with these two in the soldier ground position, oneself's a foreign door that west advertises for a soldier, if want to completely control, the difficulty is really too big.
Big emperor's son is worried to ask a way:"Chen Shu, you give truth, isn't the affair greatly big?Why did the temple doors all close?"
"It is a small affair."Chen Ping Ping's equanimity says:"The demand is half of two-hour period, can't serve as what problem."
"To."He sits on the wheel chair to say:"The his majesty contains aim, today toward willing postpone half of two-hour period, you send word to go toward each mansion in case comfortable Wu those old guys wait outside the temple long scold Niang."
Is half of two-hour period again, big emperor's son is worry, but knows before the affair ends, director Chen can't tell the truth to he or she.
Chen Ping Ping finally says:"However there are a few your homes, you need not sent word, I ground the person have already gone."-
The person who inspects a hospital has already sent to go out and sends a civilian to gather the lotus pond shop of residing a ground of place and match with in the mansion Ya ground in Kyoto under, still round up all at one fell swoop in the Li in the sleeping malicious man 1 flock, although those river the lake middleman spare no effort holdout, can finally be paying under more than ten prices of dead bodies, still have to lowly their skulls be fastenned up black Suo.
Another brigade inspected the hand of hospital to arrive at all a few your homes of imperial censors in the Cha hospital, very gruffly press this several imperial censor adults that is risen in the world with iron bone at ground up, basically neglect to hate so-called and cultured sweep floor, directly escort into they great reason temple, a burst of frightened in the official residence of the imperial censors with weep over.
Inspect the troops of hospital in, a young person who covers facial appearance with the black hat is wrinkly to knit the brows, bathe iron to say to a head of group at the side of body:"Bathe adult, this how many is after all imperial censors in the Cha hospital all, even if the his majesty mostly has been already forgiven as well and get wind of an argument matter not guilty ……you like this confused grasp, not afraid have Sun to his majesties upright reputation?"
"He adult, you are Cha hospitals to all write at present adult."Bathe iron polite say:"As for how rehabilitate, whole arrange with the adult."
Originally this person is the He believes in latitude.Is exactly also celebrate country emperor fore the time change to put in the blood into inspect a hospital of imperial censor, don't know that Chen Ping Ping is how to think, it unexpectedly lets this person follow behind to inspect a hospital, take part in to aim at all among the ground activity in Cha hospital.
The He believes in latitude cold hum 1, know if the sky is bright behind oneself appear publicly, the match inspects a hospital these imperial censor incarceration, own fame is then all over, but he is gradually also the person of very cleverness, certainly know that this dawn's activity was the meaning in the temple, also smelt.This is the his majesty at clean up a long princess unique can with Shi of just some little strength.
So he doesn't dare to have any objection opinion.
He just very interrogative, Kyoto before some time always peace.Why will the his majesty suddenly allow of no a long princess?
The third troops that inspect a hospital at this time just in the Yan mansion.
Hold a hospital to make in the speech ice cloud hand with apathetic look, looking at to kneel in the Yan running script of in front.Is slow-moving but firmly read a Li department book Yan still the criminal charges, a per of the running script, the none isn't deep public of Tao big offense in the sky.
Dress Shan not the whole ground of Yan running script kneels on the ground and listens to these criminal chargeses, the body has already had some to deliver soft, he knows, don't arrive a turning point.The his majesty anyway also impossibly handles oneself's this department Ge adult with these criminal chargeses.But these criminal chargeses since threw out and explained that the his majesty is to really need to put out himself/herself!
Only a reason.These year, oneself with long princess' walking ground is too near.The Yan running script is in mind to sadly think, but still in despair wail way:"I want to see the his majesty hand making!I want to see make!Your inspecting a hospital don't make.Can not be good at to review three an article officials!"
Talked ice cloud to see his one eye, shook to shake head, took out to make at his in the moment swayed to sway.Yan running script, open Li department still book double eye a black, be unexpectedly got by this hand to frighten ground to faint.
The officials who still there are several roads inspecting a hospital at activity, because of choice of opportune moment in the dawn, is exactly ten thousand Lais to accompany a quiet seasonal changes, most of the Kyoto officials with big old all in the soundly asleep, so activity carry on extremely smoothly, no longer than half of two-hour period time, the big part of and long princesses in Kyotos embroil too deep officials and was all pleased back to inspect hospital ground day prison or is big reason temple ground grass building.
Inspect at last and all the way the officials of hospital at an in quiet the official residence outside and patiently wait for, they already surround this official residence for a long time, always don't act, would be at wait for everywhere requiting of news.
This all the way officials have no lead the way of adult, also have no along with take an aim idea, even connect Chen Ping Ping to personally countersign a ground of hospital to make all have no a , their constitute is six person's horses most in brief and all.
Because they don't need to get into that official residence to spread an aim, the aim idea accepted by them is ……get into this official residence, strictly forbid and anyone's confabulation in the mansion, directly kill owner.
In normal times, the horizon should have already had greenish white, however the dark cloud is too thick today, the color of the sky is still that so dreary.
The fee of a head of Liao disorderly hair lay to walk out from the corner of the street at the side of official residence and ordered to nod to six assassins who round in the official residence on all sides, then left.
Six assassins pile into, however didn't meet any holdout.They clear, conceal the long the strongest force for princess the most clandestine intelligence report in this official residence, the most confidential confident, most ……however but have no holdout.
All letter sun superior, still just sleeping in have already been lain by the fee to deploy of the poison fan pour and occasionally have several dint inside deep superior and wait on Hou in six knife swords of sword hands under, also the soul returns nether world right away, permanent soundly asleep.
Don't the dead person of one hospital in mansion.
Believe sun chief to strive for the full face of private, Huang Yi, to in despair looking at six sword hands that hurtle into door's comes, a little bit ex- days, this striving for a private be then used by Fan Jian to poison to death a half life and was again grown a poison by Fan Jian's teacher today and hadn't struck back of opportunity.
He is just a bit unwilling, own brains hasn't developed enough function, in celebrating the history of country, the traces connecting a star the least bit didn't leave, but ……want to depart from this life.
The sword of one handle iciness broke off his thinking, stabbed to go into his throat and let him died.
Get into back yard, six sword hands are to have never given those any opportunity to talk to beg for mercy of young and pretty men, use the quickest speed, kill they, then start handling a corpse.
Just no one notices, hurtle into a long princess in six sword the hands don't mansion before, the fee lies to start growing poisonous of a moment, a person who is called a great way of Yuan, in those early years wood mutually the Zhi of Ye handed over, in this years much in, must grow a princess to trust most of strive for a private, the full face is frightened pale of color, escaped to go out from the kennel in official residence.
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