Sunday, November 11, 2012

cheap beats by dre sing many warships

Of the soldier of iron Lei one have a ground to demolish while intensively playing rain.But the deluxe commanding officer has no a way to this!
Isn't right!If we didn't record wrong of words, far east the armed forces not is have greatly drawing up of 36 campses?
That's right, the far east is really 36 camps to draw up, but database especially the Pa Luo's full general 19 infantry camps and half the number above of the troops stayed to make to prepare a brigade, to this plan the chief of staff brush-off of the armed forces make a contract on the order, while another infantry trip trip grow simply brush-off to obey orders, didn't catch up combat, in this circumstance, the armed forces ground army commander to that trip long issue an order, or can be treated as claim:"Plum Er.Please soon take part in combat, otherwise we exert whole army to have no!"
However the soldier of iron Lei was pretty and very.Sometimes connect strong gale the persons all have no so pretty brave, a the whole infantry camp grows crazy similar hurtle to the battlefield of in front, then demolish in the disorder, some times specially and all of the battlefields of first soldier are to repeatedly raise an alarm, after all they the whole soldier only have 5,600 people!
But the war situation turned round in the moment.The D rather right away adjusted to gather two regiments after discovering the strong gale person's scheme six reinforcements of infantry camps kill from the on the side, the person of iron Lei collapsed in the moment, they threw down to harm a member, ammunition, the Fu weighs and all everythings that can throw escaped to return to.
The captive seeing everywhere war booty and escorting to descend, specially and the military officer acclaim of first soldier jumps like sparrows not only.This is the all worth matter during a lifetime!5,000 beat 30,000, die to harm enemy's soldier 3,500 people, 1,100 captive, the whole iron Lei far east all routed.
Although oneself this aspect also pays dead and injured thousand odd person's price, but oneself this aspect after all has big righteousness place name, would like to symbolize sex to start out troops troops and at least win speaking favorably of people inside the province and sympathize with because of this provinces.
Uniquely regret's woulding be has never finished obtaining to win, according to their parlances:"Is regrettable ……too regrettable!Is Xiang soldiers all 12 connect a brigade and estimate clearly the day after tomorrow can arrive battlefield, how southwest but is newses to the least bit all have no, Mo Di at make what title …this book redistribution z Z zcn literature net www.z Z zcn.C-N …looking at our officers and men to dare to die to fight fore line!"
But the person of iron Lei then grew crazy, especially their tallest commanding officers stare at ascend this mixs to weave troops and have no a troops to have in fact so many and the person of iron Lei belligerence experience,cheap beats by dre, at henceforth of in two months, fully have three general assembly wars.
"Lin Ling Cao, you are dry to be good, what praise though open mouth a shore mark!My Liu Jing Xiao always talks to calculate words!"
Lin Ling Cao just came down from the battlefield and all all over had Haiti breathing, but Liu Jing Xiao pulled her hand to keep on talking without stop:"This time gum the service of the east, is led by you achievement!"
Lin Ling Cao says very calmly:"Be really what request all can?"
Taking Wei sea as the flotilla of base and developing is very and outstanding, the subsequence steps brigade of strong gale soldier wants to lose quarter of personnels and 1/3 of supplieses on the average in the conveyance, be a day ago, Lin Ling Cao took a fleet crest wear the billow becomes the ocean to strong gale soldier exactly a conveyance tall ship in of numerous fragments, five conveyance ships connect take the above of up to thousand officers and privates and few kilotons all of the supplies sank into ocean.
But in the combat, each warship of Lin Ling Cao's fleet was subjected to severely wounded, the sail is soon slow surprising, many warships are taking burnable of the flame drive harbor in Qingdao once, their base Wei harbor and function drive strong gale the navy completely blockaded.
To know the this fleet of Lin Ling Cao returns to the time of Wei sea each time and all all over takes numerous severely woundeds, the maintaining of Wei harbor worker is the man of a batch of creations miracle, Lin Ling Cao took to repair good warship to kill port again on the second day, and positive elephant Lin Ling Cao replies to say so to Liu Jing Xiao now:"I hope ground BE, tomorrow can continue to take a fleet to attack ……appreciate our worker of navy's factory, they are a great man things!I hope to give them with the biggest encouragement!"
According to history experience, Lin Ling Cao's flagship would not° until for more than half month repair again leave port.The danger that otherwise will have been already sunk to put out at any time, but worker promises to Lin Ling Cao and immediately launches three classes of homework of pourings with all strength, will never lose ground the colleague is to the Wei harbor, is replying a 70% above war capability the whole fleet of Lin Ling Cao for 18 hours.
Hope to take self-confident Lin Ling Cao, the first time Liu Jing Xiao stared at this female kid, this was very intelligent and capable.Or say to is the female kid who has much of drive and spirit of enterprise, grow surely rather beautiful, but that qualities can even make people understand, she obtains of any merit all with innumerably the sweat change to come of, the white cloud sail claps a plank way:"Good!Your navy has what request.Please though lift!I definitely promise!"
Lin Ling Cao saw an in of everybody general and Gao Guan Yi's eye, lightly on smiling, kissed to kiss a long hair way:"That really has a personal very small claim ……"
She hopes Liu Jing Xiao and profoundly shouts an one breath:"I am courageous to say now, I want to marry you ……Liu Jing Xiao!"
Liu Jing Xiao right away wants foolish past.But Lin Ling Cao really says ground like this:"I want to marry a second to none man, then it is Liu Jing Xiao!I think this to leave port to before reach this wishes at me at least!"
Really is a full house to all know, but the elephant makes a special trip to rush through of who Lee connect the voice create a big noise a way:"The beauty loves hero!Teacher you achieved this beautiful matter, our lieutenant general wood person is very good at least!"
Never manager Liu Jing Xiao leads a so rush wedding, all of two people are great favour persons, have never solved a direct lane of soldier dress a simple rites, then sought a small room to live alone, but even if is all perhaps take charge of Ma Kan to fight for this time, be handled in person by Liu Jing Xiao too many affairs.
Under the red candle, Lin Ling Cao lowers the head to hope an implantation a list, the face just once washing is very clean.It is also very beautiful, take in the facial expression to satirize for several cents.She by hand plays joke on dress Cape, Liu Jing Xiao is long to vomit an one breath, and he asks a way:"Lin Ling Cao ……not, I think that you should understand your own name!"
Lin Ling Cao raises head and saw Liu Jing Xiao's one eye:"Are you how can anyone know?I am to want to come to kill your ground ……can at present you trust.I can not move this hand!Be getting more regrettable, wait as republic is spending this crisis, I also kill deathless you!Is original the viewpoint is according to my ground, only this opportunity just the boon can kill you!"
Liu Jing Xiao becomes overdo to go to:"That how again!I and you didn't kill the enemy of father again!"
Lin Ling Cao is short of breath, her eyes tightly stare at Liu Jing Xiao's face:"What do you say?Hasn't my father died?"
Liu Jing Xiao coldly saw her one eye:"I don't have interest and a political last dead person to do accounts ……Xiao Ma Xiong, you pour to have a good daughter!"
Lin Ling Cao just meant to say words and outside had already had military officer to loudly shout a way:"Set out!The fleet set out!The fleet sets out!"
Hear this voice, Lin Ling Cao bit to bite a lips way:"I am walking!"
Liu Jing Xiao lightly says:"Walk like!"
But looking at to take an infinite surprise of color ground Lin Ling Cao, he fiercely grasped Lin Ling Cao's hand:"Safe journey home!You have what condition, can lift, I can promise!"
Lin Ling Cao becomes overdo to go to and Be opening a door and saying:"Thank!If the boon can change my father's freedom, I would like to make your wife!"
After several ten minutes, Lin Ling Cao has already jumped up his/her own flagship and take a full face on her face of self-confidence:"Navy's officers and men!Fight for our republics shouting, for our republics courageously!Set out!"
And meanwhile, the strong gale person's consociation fleet also hanged up their most sacred "Z" word ensign, the just so-called emperor country interest discards here with one action and all together the officers and men make a push of meaning, then have military officer to stir up morale by moving 《island in Chuan 》 on the warship:"Astronomy"23 years, the front and back of the Mid-Autumn, last letter of Shan Qian leads 8,000 remaining to ride and strikes against an island in Chuan, this service I pursue relentlessly Wu Tian Xin Xuan, definitely one female and male ……pass through flowing rapidly Xi Chuan, keep taking enemy.
But Lin Ling Cao didn't chase Related articles:

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